Digital EYE Strain
It describes a group of eye problems that result from prolonged use of computers, tablet and mobile phones.
It is also referred as a part of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This is more relevant in this COVID-19 Lockdown days as we are working more at home and is spending more time with these devices.
A. Symptoms It consists of a spectrum of symptoms including
iii. Blurred vision which is more temporary
iv. Dry eye symptoms including grittiness, foreign body sensation, redness, heaviness, watering with occasional discharge and even swelling of eyelids.
v. Neck and shoulder pain as part of CVS.
B. These symptoms are usually caused due to a collection of factors like,
- Poor lighting
- Glare on the digital screen
- Poor posturing
- Uncorrected refractive errors
DIGITAL EYE STRAIN can be prevented and managed by following some
easy steps during your work with the monitor.
Correction of Refractive Errors and spectacles prescribed specially to meet the unique visual
demands of computer viewing maybe needed.
Viewing the computer Proper positioning for computer use
Lighting: position the monitor to avoid glare from overhead lighting/windows. Consider using anti-glare screens.
20-20-20 rule: For every 20minutes of computer viewing, look
Blinking: When using computer or any near work, make an effort to blink frequently. It keeps the front surface
of your eye moist like in a ‘wind-shield wiper’.
Hot fomentation: Put a warm, moist compress on your eye for 5-10 minutes, 3to 6 times a day.
Alternatively you can do ‘palming’ which was originally invented as a part of yoga, wherein you rub your hands
together vigorously to warm them, and then place your palms over your eyes.
Dr Sachin Mathew George
Book an AppointmentAliquam a augue suscipit, luctus neque purus ipsum neque dolor primis libero at tempus, blandit posuere ligula varius congue cursus porta feugiat
Etiam sapien sem at sagittis congue an augue massa varius egestas a suscipit magna undo tempus aliquet porta vitae
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At sagittis congue augue an egestas magna ipsum vitae purus ipsum primis undo cubilia laoreet augue
Mauris donec ociis magnis sapien etiam sapien congue augue pretium ligula a lectus aenean magna mauris
An augue in cubilia laoreet magna suscipit egestas magna ipsum at purus ipsum primis in augue ulta ligula egestas
An augue cubilia laoreet undo magna at risus suscipit egestas magna an ipsum ligula vitae and purus ipsum primis
Augue egestas volutpat egestas augue in cubilia laoreet magna suscipit luctus and dolor blandit vitae
Augue egestas volutpat egestas augue in cubilia laoreet magna suscipit luctus and dolor blandit vitae
Augue egestas volutpat egestas augue in cubilia laoreet magna suscipit luctus magna dolor neque vitae
Aliquam a augue suscipit, luctus neque purus ipsum neque dolor primis libero at tempus, blandit posuere ligula varius congue cursus porta feugiat